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Hash Table

What is a Hash Table?

A hash table (or hash map) is a data structure that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve data. It uses a technique called hashing to map keys to values, allowing for average-case constant time complexity (O(1)) for operations like insertion, deletion, and lookup.

Key Concepts

  1. Hash Function

    • Purpose: A hash function takes an input (or key) and returns an integer known as a hash code. The hash code is then used as an index into an array where the value corresponding to the key is stored.
    • Properties: A good hash function should distribute keys uniformly across the hash table to minimize collisions.
  2. Buckets

    • Purpose: The array in a hash table is often referred to as a series of buckets, where each bucket can hold multiple key-value pairs.
    • Structure: Each bucket corresponds to an index in the array, derived from the hash code of the key.
  3. Collisions

    • Definition: Collisions occur when two keys hash to the same index in the array.
    • Handling Collisions: There are several strategies to handle collisions, including chaining and open addressing.

Collision Handling Techniques

  1. Chaining

    • Description: Each bucket in the hash table contains a list (or another data structure like a linked list) of key-value pairs. When a collision occurs, the new key-value pair is added to the list at the appropriate bucket.
    • Pros: Simple to implement and handles collisions effectively.
    • Cons: Can degrade to O(n) time complexity if many collisions occur, resulting in long lists.
  2. Open Addressing

    • Description: Instead of storing multiple elements in a single bucket, open addressing places each element directly into the array. If a collision occurs, the algorithm probes (or searches) for the next empty slot in the array.
    • Probing Methods:
      • Linear Probing: Increment the index by one until an empty slot is found.
      • Quadratic Probing: Use a quadratic function to determine the next slot.
      • Double Hashing: Use a second hash function to determine the step size for probing.
    • Pros: Can lead to better cache performance due to fewer linked lists and reduced memory overhead.
    • Cons: More complex implementation and can suffer from clustering, where groups of occupied slots create long probe sequences.

Operations on Hash Tables

  1. Insertion

    • Calculate the hash code of the key.
    • Determine the index from the hash code.
    • Place the key-value pair at the appropriate bucket (or probe to find an empty slot in open addressing).
  2. Deletion

    • Calculate the hash code of the key.
    • Determine the index from the hash code.
    • Remove the key-value pair from the bucket or mark the slot as deleted in open addressing.
  3. Lookup

    • Calculate the hash code of the key.
    • Determine the index from the hash code.
    • Retrieve the value from the appropriate bucket or probe for the key in open addressing.

Advantages of Hash Tables

  • Speed: Average-case constant time complexity (O(1)) for insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.
  • Efficiency: Efficient memory usage when the load factor (number of elements / number of buckets) is maintained.

Disadvantages of Hash Tables

  • Collisions: Handling collisions can add complexity and degrade performance.
  • Memory Overhead: Requires a balance between speed and memory usage, as too many empty buckets waste space, while too few increase collisions.
  • Complexity: Implementation can be complex, especially with open addressing and probing strategies.

Use Cases

  • Databases: Hash tables are used in indexing and quick data retrieval.
  • Caches: Storing recently accessed data for quick lookups.
  • Symbol Tables: In compilers and interpreters to store variable bindings.
  • Sets and Maps: Implementing abstract data types like sets and dictionaries.