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pnpm (Performance npm)

The motivation behind this project is to address the shortcomings of npm.

Main issues when using npm:

  1. Disk space - each project downloads its own copy of the dependent libraries, hence consuming a lot of disk space if you work on multiple projects
  2. Installation speed - since each project downloads it's own dependencies, the time to get those dependencies increases as you add more of them.

How pnpm solves this problem? Just like git, pnpm stores the delta between different versions of the same library, and in a central location. hence when a package is installed, its files are hard-linked (symlinks) from that single place, consuming no additional disk space.


# Using brew
$ brew install pnpm

# Using npm
$ npm install -g pnpm


Very similar to npm usage. Refer this

# Update all packages in your project
pnpm update

# Identify the dependency that depend on a packages
pnpm list [package-name]

# Check for newer versions of a package
pnpm outdated [package-name]

# Update package to a specific version
pnpm add [package-name]@[version]
