Using alias
Useful Aliases
$ alias git_sync="git pull -r && git push"
$ alias ll="ls -laG"
$ export PATH="$PATH:~/scripts"
Docker Compose
$ alias dc='docker-compose'
$ alias dcu='docker-compose up -d'
$ alias dcd='docker-compose down --remove-orphans'
$ alias dcl='docker-compose logs'
$ alias dce='docker-compose exec'
Applying changes
To apply these changes to current terminal window:
# If using bash shell
source ~/.bash_profile
# If using ZSH shell
source ~/.zshrc
Applying changes permanently
Bash profile is a good spot to put small reusable aliases, functions, variables that we want us to have available anywhere in bash.
To make your changes permanent, depending on the shell you are using, put all temporary commands in .bash_profile
or .zshrc
Forgot what alias does?
$ type <alias>
$ type ll