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Postgres Database Server

Connection String

Connection String is built off of following parameters:

POSTGRES_USER = postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD = postgrespassword
POSTGRES_HOST = host.docker.internal

Note: Host for mac is host.docker.internal

There are two formats which are widely used:

# plain keyword/value strings
host=localhost port=5432 dbname=mydb connect_timeout=10

# Connection URIs

PostgreSQL Clients

Some of the popular client applications for PostgreSQL include

  • pg_dump - Extracting database into a file
  • pg_restore - Restoring a database from a file
  • create_db - Create a new PostgreSQL database
  • create_user - Create a new PostgreSQL user account
  • psql - Interactive terminal

A full list of client applications is available here

Command line utilities

Instead of logging into psql, executing SQL queries, and needing to know the details of the query statements, you can use a familiar command line interface to do the same tasks.

$ createuser            # creates a user
$ createdb              # creates a database
$ dropuser              # deletes a user
$ dropdb                # deletes a database
$ postgres              # executes the SQL server itself
$ pg_dump               # dumps the contents of a single database to a file
$ pg_dumpall            # dumps all databases to a file
$ psql                  # Lets you carry administrative functions without needing to know their actual SQL commands
$ initdb                # initialize a PostgreSQL data directory


psql is an interactive terminal, we can use to execute commands, SQL statements and control the database as a whole.

This utility is installed with Postgres that lets you carry out administrative functions without needing to know their actual SQL commands. By default, Postgres automatically creates the user postgres. It also creates user for the account you are logged in.