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Installing via Homebrew (MacOS)


Download and install from here, or follow directions below

$ brew tap mongodb/brew
$ brew install mongodb-community

Once installation is finished, you should see something like below:

To start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community now and restart at login:
  brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community

Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
  mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf

Start/Stop Service

# Start the database
$ brew services start mongodb-community
$ mongod

# Stop the database
brew services stop mongodb-community

Verify version

# Show current mongod version
$ mongod --version

# Show current mongosh version
$ mongosh --version

Test connection

# To test the connection with the database, run below
$ mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017"

# Explore all other database tools here:
# or

Write Directory


MongoDB stores system level configurations in /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf file.

You won't need any changes here to get started. However, if you need to make some changes, make sure to restart the service, for it to pick up the changes.

Default Directory

The default location for dbPath is /usr/local/var/mongodb. To use a custom path, update this path in mongod.conf file.
